AANP CE Approval

CE Approval

Get CE Approved by the AANP

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) is an accepted provider and accreditor of Naturopathic Continuing Education (CE) in most states that license Naturopathic Physicians. As such, we can approve your course for naturopathic CE in all states that license Naturopathic Physicians, excluding Oregon. The AANP will approve courses presented by qualified and unbiased professionals who fulfill all of the requirements and guidelines put forth in the AANP Naturopathic Continuing Education Application Handbook and the application form.

The AANP is committed to approving scientifically and intellectually rigorous, doctoral level CE activities that are free from commercial bias. Any individual or organization is eligible to submit a completed application and, if approved, will be required to adhere to and uphold AANP’s policies and procedures regarding naturopathic CE.

For more information please contact the Professional Development and Education Department at admin@naturopathic.org

CE Approval Resources

AANP CE Handbook

If you are interested in having the AANP approve CE, please review the CE Handbook to ensure that the Speakers and Course content meet the AANP's Standards of Excellance. The Handbook also helps you accurately complete the CE Application... Download Now

AANP CE Application

After submitting the Application Fee you can submit the CE Application for review...  Download Now

New CE Application Fee

Submit your payment here...  Pay Now

Renewal CE Application Fee

Submit your payment here...  Pay Now

Create Your Account

All CE & Education Providers are required to have an AANP account in order to submit applications and payments...   Start Your Account Now

Please note that as of August 2022, the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM) will no longer approve a CE Activity without proof that at least one Oregon ND has attended the CE event. If an Oregon ND attends an event, OBNM will review an application submitted directly to them by either the CE Activity Host, or the individual Oregon licensee. Programs that do not have at least one Oregon ND in attendance will not be reviewed by the OBNM. As a service to you, the AANP can assist with preparation of the OBNM application if you would like to apply as the activity host, or provide your Oregon attendees with the requisite materials to submit an individual application. If you have any questions please contact OBNM directly...   Visit OBNM

CE Activity Host Application

As the CE Activity Host you can submit an application to OBNM if you want the CE to be approved for OR attendees...   Download the Application Now

OR Licensee Application

If the CE Activity Host did not submit an application to OBNM then you can complete this process as an OR licensee. The AANP has created a checklist to help you with this process...   Download the Checklist and Application Now