AANP 2025 WEBINAR: CV-Kidney-Metabolic Health: The Relationship between Diet, Microbiota, Health...
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 Export to Your Calendar 2/6/2025
When: Thursday Februrary 6, 2025
8:00 PM Eastern
Where: Sponsored by Kibow
United States
Contact: Diana Crumrine, NMD

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AANP 2025 Webinar

Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Health:

The Relationship between Diet, Microbiota,
Health, and Disease




The rising prevalence of Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome is a major public health concern where the intersection of heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and obesity is leading to poor health outcomes and reduced longevity. 1 in 3 US adults have 3 or more risk factors leading to CKM syndrome. Groundbreaking new therapies [such as GLP1 agonist and SCLT2 antagonists] have emerged in the last decade to address diabetes, obesity and their cardiovascular consequences such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke etc. However, most patients experience fragmented care and do not receive optimal care. A holistic, patient-centered approach is increasingly being recognized as an essential aspect of patient care as it aligns management guidelines with real-life experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. A key tenet in preventing and managing CKM is healthy lifestyle modification above and beyond therapeutic interventions.

Dietary modification, including higher fiber intake, a Mediterranean-style diet, as well as modulation of the microbiome are taking on a more important focus[, and are areas of intense research].  The role of the microbiome in health and disease has become very evident. Dysbiosis (imbalance of the microbiome) is observed across a host of chronic diseases, which impact patient morbidity and mortality; chronic kidney disease (CKD) being one of the most evident. CKD is a silent disease – more than 1 in 7 US adults have CKD[; 9 in 10 do not know they have it]. Pre-probiotic supplements have been shown to prevent “leaky gut”, reduce endotoxemia as well as levels of uremic and cardiovascular toxins in the systemic circulation, which is also achieved through natural “enteric dialysis”.  Modulation of the microbiome with diet and pre and probiotic supplements are yielding increasing evidence of slowing CKD progression as well as improving patient well-being and quality-of-life and longevity. Such observations have far-reaching implications for microbiome modulation to be the next frontier in preventing and treating cardiometabolic diseases.


Learning Objectives

1) Demonstrate the link between diet/lifestyle, gut microbiome dysbiosis and Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease.

2) Review the range of a therapeutic approaches to slowing the progression of CKD and CVD, including dietary/lifestyle changes and modulation of the gut microbiome to promote longevity.  

3)  Understand the promising MOA behind gut microbiome modulation to slow CKD and CVD.



Eric Yarnell, ND, RH(AHG) (Bastyr University, 1996) is chief medical officer at Northwest Naturopathic Urology. He has been in practice for 29 years, primarily in the fields of men’s health, urology, and nephrology, with an emphasis on botanical medicine. Dr. Yarnell is chief creative officer of Wild Brilliance Press, vice president of Heron Botanicals, and CEO of Red Root Pharmaceuticals. He previously served as chair of the department of botanical medicine at SCNM (now called SUHS), was full professor at Bastyr, and helped edit the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine. He is adjunct faculty at Bastyr (both campuses), SUHS, and CCNM. His published works include Clinical Botanical Medicine 2nd ed, Natural Approach to Urology 2nd ed, Natural Approach to Prostate Conditions 2nd ed, and Natural Approach to Gastroenterology 2nd ed. He has received the AANP's Vis Award (2014), GastroANP's Borborygmus Award (2020), and NMSA’s Faculty of the Year Award (2018 and 2020).


This webinar is approved for 1 General CE by the AANP


A special thanks to our webinar sponsor